660 SPEEDER – Ride-on Scrubber

660 SPARTACUS Ride-on Scrubber
Scrubber for large surfaces, suitable for the industrial and food sectors for the cleaning of large surfaces.


660 SPEEDER ride-on scrubber. The new born Speeder 660 like the others ride-on scrubbers allows to double the productivity and cover up a surface of 3200 square meters in one hour.

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Additional information

Floor Area Cleans

m2/h 3000

Cleaning Width

mm 660

Squeegee Width

mm 880


ø / mm 2 x 330

Brush Motor

W / V 2×375 / 24 S1

Vacuum Motor / Vacuum Power

W / V mm / H2O 1×550 / 24 / 1500

Drive Motor

W / V 1×200 / 24

Brush Pression

Kg 50

Solution / Recovery Tanks

l 70

Net Weight

Kg 160

Gross Weight

Kg 300


A / h 140 / 3


mm 1320x700x1350